Saturday 15 August 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Cow Powow"

 "Cow Powow" - 5x7in. - click to bid
The last few days I've been working on a series of cow paintings that have brought me much joy! I'll talk about the joy part later, but for now I have more immediate news...

I am heading to California tomorrow to join 6 other artists on a hiking/camping/plein air trip into the Sierras! I'm really excited about this trip, because not only will it be ALL about art, but I will be hanging with some pretty awesome artists! We will have our camping gear hauled in on pack animals (mules I think?) and our food cooked for us - all we have to carry is our painting gear. I'll be bringing my camera too and will give a full report when I return. That is, if I'm not eaten by bears or mountain lions, or fall off a cliff (if I say it, it won't happen).

Meanwhile, I'll pre-post the cows so you can enjoy them while I'm away. As usual, I won't be able to ship anything until I return (as late as the 25th). Toodles!
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I'm taking 2015 off from teaching workshops.
Meanwhile check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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