Saturday 11 October 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Serious Shadow"

 "Serious Shadow" - 6x6in - click to bid

This is another little scene from NYC. I'm still playing around with my brush hold, and really paying attention to where the darkest values are, and not going as dark anywhere else. Do you see how the dark values on the right side of the street are not as dark as those on the cars and left side?

Since my book is coming out in less than a month, I thought I'd tantalize you with some shots of the inside. To start with, here's the table of contents (go to my blog for a bigger version):

Click to pre-order on Amazon (save $8 by buying it ahead of time)


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My Workshops


Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list

*I'm taking 2015 off from teaching*
Preorder my new book,
Daily Painting, on Amazon:
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

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