Thursday 9 October 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Golden Garden Gully"

 "Golden Garden Gully" - 8x8in - click to bid

On the last day of the workshop I just took, after class, a few of my friends/classmates trekked over to Golden Gardens park here in Eugene to paint just a little more before the sun set. This was by far the best one I did all week. Apparently something clicked.

Having said that, I would like to report a little more thoroughly about the workshop now that I've had time to think about it. I have to admit I expected a lot. I've admired Scott Christensen's work for a long time, and I have friends who've taken his class and loved it. I was a little disappointed that he didn't demo more outside (only once, at the end of the last day). And the things he had to say were pretty high level. I wouldn't recommend this workshop for beginners, or those not well versed in plein air lingo. The things I got out of it were mostly gleaned from watching him make decisions, and trying some of the things he was doing (like holding the brush by the end, which leads to more organic mark-making). He was very encouraging, and I really appreciated that. The thing I enjoyed most was his taking student work and doing paint-on critiques for the whole class. Over-all it was a positive for me, but for those who are considering it, I just wanted to give a more complete review. My 2 cents anyway.


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