Wednesday 29 October 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Sea Slice 1"

 "Sea Slice 1" - 6x6in -  click to bid

During my recent trip to Ventura, CA, I took a few pictures of the ocean, intending to paint them. I had seen some really simple paintings of beaches, years ago, in a gallery, somewhere ... with just a few horizontal stripes to describe the water. That is what I had in mind for this, but in the end it just didn't work for me without the details. So there you go.

Tomorrow morning, at 9am PCT, I will again be co-hosting the AHA (Artists Helping Artists) show. This one is about using photographs for paintings (how/where to take them, what to look for, how to edit them, etc.). The show is recorded, so if you can't listen tomorrow, you can always hear it later.


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Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list

*I'm taking 2015 off from teaching*
Preorder my new book,
Daily Painting, on Amazon:
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "My Yellow House"

 "My Yellow House" - 5x7in -  click to bid
No, it's not MY house, even though the title says so (my house is green). Yes, I made the front end of the car a little "long." No, it wasn't on purpose - but it could be a station wagon! Yes, it's from my trek around Springfield. Yes, I like it. : )

Yes, here's another peek inside my book - a bad/good apple example + the first part of my explanation about it. (see an enlargeable image on my blog)


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My Workshops


Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list

*I'm taking 2015 off from teaching*
Preorder my new book,
Daily Painting, on Amazon:
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Monday 27 October 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Fall Shadows"

 "Fall Shadows" - 6x6in -  click to bid

Recently, before the rain started in earnest, I ventured over to Springfield, our sister city. Yes, it's the one from the Simpsons! They even have a mural, done by the Simpson people, to prove it. I'm pretty sure that's their one claim to fame. But I was more interested in the fall leaves and the funky neighborhoods. I spent several hours wandering around taking pictures, including the reference for this one.

Here's another peek inside my book. It's from the chapter on marketing, and includes a little grouping of small paintings to show how they might be hung in someone's house. Actually, it really is hung ... in MY house! Some of the paintings are mine, some are by friends of mine, and some I've bought. (see an enlargeable image on my blog)


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My Workshops


Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list

*I'm taking 2015 off from teaching*
Preorder my new book,
Daily Painting, on Amazon:
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Sunday 26 October 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "How to Eat an Apple"

 "How to Eat an Apple" - 16x16in -  click to buy - $800 (free domestic shipping)

One of the things I've been itching to do lately is paint larger. So I'm doing it! Finally. This one is 16x16 inches, on the same gessobord panel I normally work on. Just bigger. : ) I've put together this image below to illustrate the difference between this size and my normal 6x6. And I've decided to set a fixed price for this one, rather than auction it.


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My Workshops


Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list

*I'm taking 2015 off from teaching*
Preorder my new book,
Daily Painting, on Amazon:
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405