Thursday 1 August 2019

Carol's latest paintings

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Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Troublesome Tomatoes"

Here's #5 in my current tomato series.

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Cut Clear Tomatoes"

Before I did this one, I painted some quick, 10-minute tomatoes. I ALWAYS learn a lot from them, even if I've been painting lots of this subject anyway. And it's because I know they won't be "finished" (or saleable) and so I experiment. We aren't learning new things unless we're TRYING new things. 

In other words, if we always do what we always do, we'll always get what we always get.

So pull out a spare panel, divide it into smaller parts, and try sh*t. Do it today. Then show a friend. Tell them what you learned. It doesn't have to be something HUGE! You'll learn tiny little things that you can apply to the next one, times four.

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Talented Tomatoes"

Well here it is, the last tomato painting (for now) - we made it! I did this one on a black gessoed board. I like how moody it is. Like a pile of tomatoes you'd find in a dark kitchen, on a midnight prowl for grub.

Yours in art,

PS. Here are other available tomatoes:
My book, Daily Painting, is available on Amazon and book stores near you.

Also check out my online tutorials (some are free!).

And I have other books for sale that are collections of 100 paintings each.

I am no longer teaching workshops.
Copyright © 2019 Carol Marine, All rights reserved.

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1560 Em Ray Dr., Eugene, OR 97405

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