Monday 29 July 2019

Carol's latest paintings

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Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Clingy Tomatoes"

For the rest of these tomato paintings I used my stronger, halogen bulb. This makes for more contrast in the shadows, warmer lights, and a more "spotlit" effect. Overall I think it's a more dramatic feel, or it can be. I like to switch back and forth depending on what I'm going for.

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Totally Tomatoes"

Creating a Beautiful DPW Artist Website

This is my fourth (way overdue) post in a series about (DPW), which my husband, David, and I created. DPW is an online fine art gallery where artists can have their own artist website to show and sell their work.

If you missed them, here are the links to my first three posts about DPW:
  1. What is Daily Paintworks?
  2. Common Misconceptions about Daily Paintworks
  3. I Love My Website
We recently added a bunch of new features to let our artists customize their DPW websites to suit their personal style. This rounds out other long term customization features, such as being able to organize your art into custom categories and pointing a custom domain name to your DPW website, as I do with

Many of our artists have really run with it and created beautiful websites for themselves! Here are some examples. (see more on my blog)

As you can see, you can change the layout, fonts (over 60), colors, borders, and more. Click here to read more about DPW and to join us and have your own DPW artist website. We would love to have you with us!

Yours in art,

PS. Here is other available work:
My book, Daily Painting, is available on Amazon and book stores near you.

Also check out my online tutorials (some are free!).

And I have other books for sale that are collections of 100 paintings each.

I am no longer teaching workshops.
Copyright © 2019 Carol Marine, All rights reserved.

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1560 Em Ray Dr., Eugene, OR 97405

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