Tuesday 16 December 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Pam in the Doorway"

 "Pam in the Doorway" - 6x6in -  click to bid

It's been a while, but this is another one of my Pam project paintings. Pam is a friend who agreed to pose for me around her house while I took a million photographs. I'm waiting for her to get home from Tucson now so I can take pictures of her grandkids. (come home Pam!)

Yesterday I discovered something new. Well, two things actually. Some friends told me about the Savvy Painters podcasts, which are very cool (the first thing). And I decided to listen to an episode while I painted. Usually I listen to music, and this has always worked really well for me. I've talked to people who listen to other things and I could never understand. I assumed I wouldn't be able to concentrate on both things. But something funny happened - as far as I can figure, while half of my brain was engaged by the talking, the other half painted without distraction, and without over-thinking! And I ended up doing a painting I was really happy with. Not this one (not that I'm not happy with this one - I actually LOVE it). But I'm ahead by a few paintings. I'll point out the first painting when I get to it. Meanwhile I am listening to all kinds of things now while I paint, and actually learning some things even. And loving it.


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