Thursday 30 August 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


 Click Here to Bid - 6x12in. - "Morning Mountains"
On one of our mornings up in the Sierras, we woke up to no smoke! It took me a minute to realize just why it was so beautiful, but then I grabbed my gear quickly and painted as much as I could before the light changed too much. I took some pictures and finished it at home, since we never had another clear morning.

  Click Here to Bid - 8x8in. - "Shallow"

I mentioned in a recent post that one day I climbed way up to where it got vertical, and there was a snow bank melting directly into a creek. Well, before it got to the creek, the water formed a small "lake." And despite there being spectacular views (albeit smoky) from way up there, what did I paint? Yep, this. (See my easel set up in the bottom, right corner of the photo below?)

Here are a few other available paintings:
Yours in art,
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My Workshop

Next year (2019) I will be teaching only one workshop, in Italy, in May. Registration will open at the end of September - stay tuned.

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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