Friday 9 March 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


  Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Bringing Flowers"
This one looks better in person, I swear. Unfortunately with these darker paintings, the darks tend to dry a little chalky, and then it's quite hard to get a good image of it. The varnish I put on before I ship it takes care of all that - not to worry.

I haven't posted (or painted) the past few days because I'm having an issue with my back. I went to the doctor and she gave me the "as we get older" talk, which ... I guess I am now officially old enough to hear. I'm trying to "take it easy," which is NOT easy for me. I'm not one for sitting around. But I'm hoping if I do enough of it, I will head off this problem and avoid it going forward. Wishful thinking? Maybe.

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "King of the Hill"

Meanwhile, here is another of my abstract collages. This one is called "King of the Hill". The piece is 6x6in. and the outside of the frame is 13x13in.

  Here are other paintings that are still available:

Yours in art,
Quick Links

My Workshop(s)

May 28 - June 1, '18 - Carmel - FULL - get on wait list

July 3-14, '18 - France 
- FULL - get on wait list 

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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