Sunday 25 March 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


  Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Who Goes First?"
These pears know they need to get on the plate, but they're not sure what's going to happen once they're there. I'm not either.

"It's Not Often Black or White"

I found this black cup recently at a thrift store, and I've had it sitting on my little staging table ever since. Yesterday I put a white cup down beside it and noticed the cool reflections happening, of the white cups off the black one. It's a tough thing to paint because your brain tells you the reflection is "white," but in actuality the value of the reflection is MUCH darker than the white cups. So I'm pretty damn proud of that little moment there.

  Here are other paintings that are still available:

Yours in art,
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My Workshop(s)

May 28 - June 1, '18 - Carmel - FULL - get on wait list

July 3-14, '18 - France 
- FULL - get on wait list 

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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