Tuesday 6 December 2016

Carol Marine's Painting a Day

I'm excited to announce a new ArtByte (online tutorial)! This one is called "Taking, Editing & Painting (from) Photo References." Check it out in my ArtByte Store.

In it I share everything I've learned about taking pictures for painting later (vs. simply taking pictures), what your camera isn't capturing and some tricks for overcoming this, what camera to use, how to set your camera, how to edit photos on your computer, and tips for drawing and painting from them. There are no videos, but there is/are tons of info and pictures, including examples of photos I've painted from (and the subsequent paintings). The cost is $10.

 Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "A Google Break"

My husband and I call our ventures around a city: Urban Adventures. They usually involve a lot of Googling to look at restaurant reviews or maps to the next place. I suspect that's exactly what these two were doing.

 Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Walking in Berlin"

This one above is from our recent trip to Germany. We spent the first 10 days in Berlin, seeing the sights. Most of the days were cold and grey, but on this day the sun (sort of) came out, so I walked around taking as many pictures as I could.

 Click Here to Bid  - 6x6in. - "Red Door"

This is another one from Berlin, a common sight there. Our journey home last week was ... long. It took 3 days, 2 trains, a plane, 2 all night car drives and very little sleep. It wasn't quite what we expected, but we made it work, and we are now safely home and recovering.
Quick Links

My Workshops

October 17-21, '16: San Antonio, TX - register  - FULL w/ wait list

May 11-20, '17: Provence, France! register here
 - FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
Sent by me@carolmarine.com in collaboration with
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