Wednesday 3 June 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Delicate Pink"

 "Delicate Pink" - 5x7in. -  click to bid

Let me start out by saying - I love this painting. This is the one I paint for. The one that paints itself. The paint-gasm. This is it.

I was writing to my friend Lee today because she said she was inspired to paint some roses. I said, "This is what I've learned [about painting roses] lately - paint the biggest chunks first, totally ignoring (and painting right over) the little chunks. Paint the big chunks with big bold strokes. Squint to see just how big they are. Then after you've got them in, go back and paint the little things (thin petals that you see on edge, and little dark marks where things are folded under) on top of the big strokes, thick enough to cover. When you get to the edges of the rose, be loose so you get some softness (otherwise it looks like a cutout), but make some still a little sharp (variety)."

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