Thursday 11 June 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Bee Butt"

 "Bee Butt" - 5x7in. -  click to bid

One more rose (with a surprise inside!) and then some landscapes are next. I've been doing more plein air lately than usual - partly because the weather here has been so nice, and partly because I've just really gotten into it lately.

On Tuesday my family is headed out for a 3 week camping adventure! Part of this (for me) will include plein air painting (and photographing). Up until this morning our plan was to head for the Olympic Peninsula, but we just found out that dogs are only allowed on 2 of the trails! So, after much discussion, we've decided to head East instead, into Eastern Oregon. There is much to explore! Anyway, an important part about this is that I won't be able to ship until we get home, which will be July 7th at the latest. I will post as often as I can and have paintings for.

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I'm taking 2015 off from teaching workshops.
Meanwhile check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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