Saturday 28 March 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "An Alpaca Afternoon"

 "An Alpaca Afternoon" - 6x6in. -  click to bid
I have 2 faces for you today. One is human and one isn't. You be the judge.

This guy to the right is from my silly face file, though he's got more silly hair than face. I used the same pre-mixing technique as before. I don't have a lot to say about it yet, but here's my current list of pre-mixing pro's and con's:

Pre-mixing pro's:
  • Easier to keep the whole color scheme cohesive
  • Easier to mix in-between colors - just mix a little bit from two piles together
  • Easier to compare tiny shifts in value (which you have a LOT of in a face)
Pre-mixing con's:
  • It can be hard to get the same amount of color variety as when you're mixing one color at a time (like I usually do)
  • I have big piles of paint leftover that I don't know what to do with! I mix it all together in a big pile of gray, which gets bigger and bigger. It sits on my palette and dries out. I hate wasting paint!!! I'm sure there's a solution?
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