Sunday 29 March 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Little Red in the Hood"

 "Little Red in the Hood" - 5x7in. -  click to bid
I spotted this little cutie last year in New York City. I pulled out the one tiny little brush I have to make her eyes point towards mom.

I'll be travelling to Texas to visit family and friends for a little while, and won't be shipping anything until I get home on April 10th. That includes paintings and books. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience!

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I'm taking 2015 off from teaching workshops.
Meanwhile check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Saturday 28 March 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Little Miss Sunshine"

 "Little Miss Sunshine" - 6x6in. -  click to bid

Another alpaca, this one a bit silly.

Thank you all for the many recommendations about what to do with my piles of gray!! My favorite was to buy empty tubes from Dick Blick and store the paint there until I need it. I think I may keep them in the freezer too, just to be on the safe side. I'm also thinking of buying some little pill organizers and putting any paint that's on my palette in there (and then in the freezer) when I go on trips.

Last night I attended a local show that several of my friends were in. The paintings were all landscape and I got totally inspired by them! I came home and did an experimental landscape from a photo, and then painted all day outside with friends. I'll post those soon.

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My Workshops


I'm taking 2015 off from teaching workshops.
Meanwhile check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "An Alpaca Afternoon"

 "An Alpaca Afternoon" - 6x6in. -  click to bid
I have 2 faces for you today. One is human and one isn't. You be the judge.

This guy to the right is from my silly face file, though he's got more silly hair than face. I used the same pre-mixing technique as before. I don't have a lot to say about it yet, but here's my current list of pre-mixing pro's and con's:

Pre-mixing pro's:
  • Easier to keep the whole color scheme cohesive
  • Easier to mix in-between colors - just mix a little bit from two piles together
  • Easier to compare tiny shifts in value (which you have a LOT of in a face)
Pre-mixing con's:
  • It can be hard to get the same amount of color variety as when you're mixing one color at a time (like I usually do)
  • I have big piles of paint leftover that I don't know what to do with! I mix it all together in a big pile of gray, which gets bigger and bigger. It sits on my palette and dries out. I hate wasting paint!!! I'm sure there's a solution?
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My Workshops


I'm taking 2015 off from teaching workshops.
Meanwhile check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Thursday 26 March 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Coy Cow"

 "Coy Cow" - 6x6in. -  click to bid

Last weekend I had the pleasure of watching my friend Sarah demo a portrait painting (she teaches, by the way). She used a palette knife to pre-mix several piles of paint. Her method after that for applying the paint involved a different order of things than my usual way. It seemed to work very well for her, so I came home and tried it out right away, on some of the "funny face photos" you guys sent me like...3 years ago. Below is the first one. It wasn't a complete success, but there are some HUGE benefits of pre-mixing that I had never considered. There are also some cons. I'll do a little bit more testing and then I'll lay out my observations, with bullet points and all that snazzy stuff. : )

I won't post these for sale (because they are just practice), but if you recognize the face as something you sent me and like it enough to spring for shipping, it's yours!

The cow above is also pre-mixed. And using the same general method Sarah used. Not island to ocean - I'll tell you that much. More soon!


Ps. Thank you all so much for your kind words about my friend Bren. It means a lot to me.
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My Workshops


I'm taking 2015 off from teaching workshops.
Meanwhile check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405