Monday 11 May 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Coastal Cave"

 "Coastal Cave" - 8x8in. -  click to bid
I did this painting in Mendocino, where I stayed for a few days last week painting with my friend and fabulous artist, Erin Dertner. This view was literally a 3 minute walk from her house. The whole time I was there I kept saying, "Wow, you LIVE here!!!" While I was painting this one in particular, some people walked past me and asked if I'd seen the whales swimming by. Dang! I was so wrapped up in my painting I completely missed them.

I promised more info about the wet panel carrier I built and here it is (pictures below). First of all, I had some 12x24" Ampersand gessobord panels that my husband cut up for me into 6x12" panels. Because of the width of the table saw, there were a few short ones at the end, so I'll use those for something else.

Then I had him make the little wooden inserts/dividers that you see on the inside of the box. These are made of wood, which works fine, but if I had it to do over again I would buy some plastic ones from Raymar. Each slot holds 2 wet panels, back-to-back. Raymar also carries a variety of these boxes made from a kind of corrugated plastic (like cardboard but plastic) and the ONLY reason I built this one myself is because they don't carry this particular size.

I crafted my box from black (because I had some) foam core and black Guerrilla Tape (amazingly strong!). I was VERY careful to measure everything 5 times and really think about how the box would be put together. A small error means the whole box is worthless (I know this well because of previous attempts!). I taped everything well, and used some velcro strips to create a closure for the lid (cutting a strip of tape for the top of the velcro).

The only thing I wish I'd done was fashion some kind of strap for easier carrying. I'll do that soon.

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