Wednesday 30 January 2019

Carol's latest paintings

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Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Stacks of Red"

For some reason this is the only one so far (of my one color series) that came somewhat easily. And it's my favorite. I painted yellow today too, but I think I'm going to give it another try tomorrow. What sucks is that often, the paintings that are the most painful, are also not very good. You'd think it would be the other way around - that the hard work would pay off in the end. Alas.

Click Here to Bid - 6x8in. "Yellow Orgy"

It took me a few tries with yellow. I finally realized that it's such a light value - it needs a dark background! Duh.

I just created a NEW FREE ARTBYTE about shipping small art. I've gotten a lot of requests for ArtBytes on different subjects, and I have them all in a list! And I will get to them, I promise.

Yours in art,
Other available paintings:
My book, Daily Painting, is available on Amazon and book stores near you.

Also check out my online tutorials (some are free!).

And I have other books for sale that are collections of 100 paintings each. (#9 coming soon!)

I am no longer teaching workshops (except for one last one in Italy - get on the wait list).
Copyright © 2018 Carol Marine, All rights reserved.

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1560 Em Ray Dr., Eugene, OR 97405

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