Wednesday 9 January 2019

Carol's latest paintings

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Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Orange Creamsicle Rose"

One of my goals for this year is to experiment more with texture. I've already experimented with this some, but I want to step up my game and do more, really figure out what I can do with them. I'm starting with a series of small roses.

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. "Shadow Roses"

Here's my second attempt at roses with more texture. I took a detail photo so you can see what I'm talking about. For this one I mostly used brushes and a palette knife. I'm also exploring with rollers (brayers?) and squeegees. I've had some luck with each, but so far can't achieve anything consistent. But I'm having fun trying!

Yours in art,
Other available paintings:
My book, Daily Painting, is available on Amazon and book stores near you.

Also check out my online tutorials (some are free!).

And I have other books for sale that are collections of 100 paintings each.

I am no longer teaching workshops (except for one last one in Italy - get on the wait list).
Copyright © 2018 Carol Marine, All rights reserved.

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