Sunday 27 August 2017

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


 Click Here to Bid - 8x8in. - "French Market"

Sometimes you end up saying just want you want to say with a painting, and this is it for me (I'm talking paint-gasm here, for those who know me!). I used the same block-in technique that I talked about a few posts ago, where I blocked everything in before I started adding details or nailing down specific features. This is working very well for these kinds of subjects.

I am heading out today for my abstract workshop in Bend. Unfortunately this means I won't be able to ship paintings (until Sept. 4th) but my stepdaughter will keep shipping books for me. Check my Instagram feed for pictures from the workshop next week. : )

 Click Here to Bid - 8x10in. - "The Gatehouse"

Painting realism is like interpreting a recipe. You've got to figure out which parts of the recipe/scene are essential to keep it holding together, and which parts you can adjust and change. And like a recipe, everyone has their own take on this, which is what makes art so wonderful! You can set up 100 artists to paint the same scene, and none will be the same.


Here are a few that are STILL AVAILABLE:

Yours in art,
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My Workshops

October 9-13, '17: San Antonio, TX more info  - 
FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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Constant Contact

Friday 25 August 2017

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "And the Rest Was History"

I've been chatting all evening with a single friend who's going through dating woes. Which reminded me of when I met my (now) husband and it was like everyone else disappeared, and we were the only two apples ... err, people on earth.

 Click Here to Bid - 6x6in.
 "A Clear Preference for Green"

Here is the little ceramic bird I mentioned a few days ago. She was quite a challenge to paint ... twice, essentially. And I will enjoy seeing where I can fit her in again.


Here are a few that are STILL AVAILABLE:

Yours in art,
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My Workshops

October 9-13, '17: San Antonio, TX more info  - 
FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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Constant Contact

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Orange You Glad?"

I did two paintings in a row of these same objects. I'll post the other one tomorrow and you can decide which you like better. I think it's a great idea to paint things over and over, because you're more likely to experiment that way. If you do it once you'll probably play it safe and paint like you always have. But you know what they say - if you always do what you always do, you always get what you always get.

This has been knocking around in my head a lot lately. It's HARD to step out of your ruts, especially when you've been in them for a long time. Which is why I'm glad to say that next week I'll be taking an abstract workshop!! I've done a few abstracts on my own, but the idea behind this workshop is to do 100 of them - in 5 days! Which multiplies daily painting by 20 - woah. The workshop instructor is Jane Davies, whose work I've admired for a long time. I'm excited and terrified, in equal measure, to get so completely outside of my comfort zone. Yay!

 Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Don't Be Blue"

And the second version...

 Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Tourists in France"

I decided to take some process shots for this one because I ended up doing it a little differently than I usually do. Normally I try to get the people pretty well finished before I start on the background (because they're islands, which you'll understand if you've read my book). But this time I decided to block in everything first, and then refine the people, which worked amazingly well!

In this way I was able to see all the relationships (proportion, value, color, etc.) before I committed to exact placement of important features like faces, hands, feet, etc. I still treated some things as "vulnerable" islands, like the guy's bright red shirt - that was the first thing I blocked in.

I find over and over that there is no one method that always works! Each subject/painting requires fresh eyes and a unique approach. That is why I will never get tired of it. Painting is ALWAYS a challenge.

Here are a few that are STILL AVAILABLE:

Yours in art,
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My Workshops

October 9-13, '17: San Antonio, TX more info  - 
FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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Constant Contact

Sunday 20 August 2017

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Old French Guys"

I didn't have the best reference for this one, and to be honest, I didn't have a complete game plan when I started. But I decided to shoot for gesture, and leave the background loose, which ended up working out really well! (imho)

 Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Colorful Exploration"

I was recently interviewed by You will find my interview here. Meanwhile, more apples. They last so long, I must ... keep ... painting them ...

Here are a few that are STILL AVAILABLE:

Yours in art,
Quick Links

My Workshops

October 9-13, '17: San Antonio, TX more info  - 
FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact