Tuesday 27 February 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


 Click Here to Bid - 8x6in. - "Mommy's Helper"
I only managed to get one photo of this pair, but it was a pretty perfect one. Aren't they cute?

I've said this before, BUT, one of the biggest things I've realized about what a photo captures vs. what's really there is - the darks. As darks recede into space they get lighter (because of atmostphere), but photographs don't always capture that. So I try to think of these kinds of scenes as having layers. The gal and her dog are the first layer, so they are going to have the darkest darks. The next layer contains the tree and corner building, and the darks there are a little lighter than the darks in the first layer. I mix these darks right next to each other on my palette (literally touching) because it's just a subtle difference. Then the next layer, which contains the background buildings, is a bit lighter still. In the photo, all those darks are the same, so I have to really think about it rather just repeating what I see. But keeping my piles of darks all lined up in order helps, and never putting my darkest dark in any layer but the first one.

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Wake Up City!"

I rented a little airbnb for my trip to San Francisco, on Potrero Hill, which is just south of downtown. I was at the tippy top of the hill, and from there I had some awesome views. You can only see a slice of the city here, but the morning light was hitting it full force, and only dappling the foreground.
  Here are other paintings that are still available:

Yours in art,
Quick Links

My Workshop(s)

May 28 - June 1, '18 - Carmel - FULL - get on wait list

July 3-14, '18 - France 
- FULL - get on wait list 

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
Sent by me@carolmarine.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Sunday 25 February 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


 Click Here to Bid - 8x8in. - "Getting Around
Of the three days I was in San Francisco last week, one was almost completely sunless. I often have trouble finding scenes I like with no light/shadow, but I tried to look with an open mind this time, and found a few I thought might work. I looked for: interesting value patterns, and color wherever I could find it. So these orange pants definitely caught my eye!

Click Here to Bid - 6x8in. - "Gable Shadow"

I had to paint this three times before I was happy with it. For these small paintings especially I almost always simply start over, rather than keep working on it. There is a point at which, because it's wet paint going into wet paint, I am just mushing it around, making a mess. I see this style of painting as a kind of dance - I try it once, and if it wasn't quite right, I try it again.
  Here are other paintings that are still available:

Yours in art,
Quick Links

My Workshop(s)

May 28 - June 1, '18 - Carmel - FULL - get on wait list

July 3-14, '18 - France 
- FULL - get on wait list 

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
Sent by me@carolmarine.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


 Click Here to Bid - 6x8in. - "Late Light"
On my way to San Francisco I stopped off to have dinner in Oakland with a couple of dear friends. I got there a little early, so I wandered around a bit, taking a few pictures of the late afternoon light. I posted the reference photo for this painting as the inspiration for  this week's Daily Paintworks Challenge, in case you'd like to see it and/or paint from it, or your own late light.

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Ample Apples"

So you've probably guessed that I am home from my trip. : ) This was the last painting I did before I went, really trying to dig into the differences between all the apples. 
Yours in art,
Quick Links

My Workshop(s)

May 28 - June 1, '18 - Carmel - FULL - get on wait list

July 3-14, '18 - France 
- FULL - get on wait list 

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
Sent by me@carolmarine.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Sunday 11 February 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


 Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Discussing Fruit"
This is a slice of French light, on French produce, complete with French gals, having a discussion in French. If only we had some French bread. Or would that just be too much?

Click Here to Bid - 6x6in. - "Orderly Disorder"

Tomorrow I am heading south for some photo reference gathering. I need new material, and I need some of that famous California sunshine! : ) Unfortunately this means I won't be able to ship paintings until I get home Feb 18th. But my stepdaughter will still ship any book orders for me.
  Here are other paintings that are still available:

Yours in art,
Quick Links

My Workshop(s)

May 28 - June 1, '18 - Carmel - FULL - get on wait list

July 3-14, '18 - France 
- FULL - get on wait list 

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter!Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn!Read our Blog!
Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
Sent by me@carolmarine.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact