Thursday 27 October 2016

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


Click Here to Bid - "Across the Pond" - 6x12in. 

I painted this on a recent trip to Colorado.  My friend Penny and I had driven out to her friend's farm, and found this lovely pond at the back of the property. I had just learned about galkyd, and so experimented with this painting. I love galkyd! I actually painted the house and yellow bushes first, just to make sure I got those in before the light changed, but then I painted in the trees. And then all the pond stuff. So by the time I put in the distant mountains and sky, the paint on the trees was tacky enough not to make mud where they touched. This is a solution to a problem I've had forever with landscape painting!!

Click Here to Bid - "At Attention" - 6x6in.

In other news, am home from my San Antonio workshop and slowly catching up with things here. It took me a couple of days to recover emotionally. These kiddos (below) may not look rowdy, but they definitely kept me on my toes. The great food and wine helped keep my strength up, but by the end I was a puddle on the floor. I'm hoping they didn't notice. Oh shoot, did I just admit that?!

Here are a couple of my demos from the class, and a couple of partial demos too. I was especially happy with the bacon, and plan to paint it again. Not the actual bacon - I ate that.

Here are all my kids (and me, and 2 of our illustrious hosts) from the workshop. You guys were awesome!!

Quick Links

My Workshops

October 17-21, '16: San Antonio, TX - register  - FULL w/ wait list

May 11-20, '17: Provence, France! register here
 - FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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