Thursday 19 September 2019

Carol's latest paintings

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Click Here to Bid - 8x8in. "Just What's Showing"

Hello! We are finally home from camping and, well it's one of those times we need a vacation from our vacation. : ) So I'm happy to still have some paintings left to post from my Sierra trip.

This was actually the very first one I did, or a version of it. From here on I will show you paintings that weren't 100% completed on site. I did some work after I got home, adjusting colors, values, shapes, etc. One problem we had out there, as I mentioned before, was constant mosquito's. My solution was to wear loose, long sleeve shirts and pants, and a mosquito net over my head, pretty much all the time. The net was black, so it affected how I saw a bit (though I forgot about it most of the time).

Honestly, this was my best "haul" of all our Sierra trips, and the only time I wore a net while I painted. So I'm considering wearing it every time I paint! What do you think? : )

Click Here to Bid - 8x8in. "Mountain Layers"

Here is another Sierra painting that I worked on more back in the studio. The biggest thing I changed was darkening the values of the shadow in the foreground. The reality is that as we look around at the world, our vision adjusts to the varying lighting conditions. When we look into shadow our pupils adjust (open) to see more there, and as we look into light areas, they adjust the other way. So when we paint, if we're not careful, our values can all start to fall in the mid range, without enough contrast. That's what happened here, but fortunately I was able to make the adjustments at home. Woo!

Yours in art,

My book, Daily Painting, is available on Amazon and book stores near you.

Also check out my online tutorials (some are free!).

And I have other books for sale that are collections of 100 paintings each.

I am no longer teaching workshops.
Copyright © 2019 Carol Marine, All rights reserved.

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1560 Em Ray Dr., Eugene, OR 97405

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