Saturday 5 May 2018

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


Click Here to Bid - 8x10in. - "Treasure Hunting"
Here's another scene from France. It didn't photograph perfectly because some of the darks have dried already and until I can varnish it, they will look a little chalky.

I've just added a bunch of abstract collages to my Daily Paintworks "store." It took me a while to frame and photograph and all that.  I wanted to post them all at once so it would be possible for people to get enough for a grouping - I think they look SO good like that. Please let me know if you have any questions.

 Click Here to Bid - 8x8in. 
"How to Spend Saturday Morning"

I've been working on a people ArtByte (online tutorial) the past couple of weeks, and yesterday I got all set up to record a video for it. I pressed record and started painting this. You wouldn't think it, but painting for a video is always more stressful than a regular painting. So when I got all done and found that the memory in my recorder ran out before I was done painting, I was ... frustrated.

But don't worry, I jumped right back on that horse, with more than enough memory this time, and did another painting. My goal is to have the ArtByte finished before my Carmel workshop (last week in May). Fingers crossed.

Click Here to Bid - 6x12in. 
"Walking Home in France"

This size/orientation never shows well online, but I like to paint them now and then. Please see my blog for an enlargeable version.

Meanwhile, I'd like to tell you about a project I've been working on. I got some big, flat Ampersand panels recently, intending to do some larger paintings. I did two before I realized they are too big to store vertically. Which sucks, because I recently built myself a vertical storage rack - doh!!! So I set out to buy a horizontal rack. But the only ones I could find were ridiculously expensive, and wouldn't fit in the space I had for it. So I invented and made myself one. You can see it here, on top of  my vertical rack. I used hemlock to build the frame, and metal shelving for the ... shelving. I also recently built myself another work table, which you can just see the corner of in the photo. I need to make one adjustment to it, and then I will share that as well.

  Here are other paintings that are still available:

Yours in art,
Quick Links

My Workshop(s)

May 28 - June 1, '18 - Carmel - FULL - get on wait list

July 3-14, '18 - France 
- FULL - get on wait list 

I am no longer teaching still life workshops, sorry. : (
Check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting.

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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