Monday 12 June 2017

Carol Marine's Painting a Day


Click Here to Bid - 8x8in. - "Fenceline"

One day at the alpaca farm, I wandered down to a lower field and parked myself for the entire day, determined to focus on trees. We were encouraged to do one small, quick study, for no longer than 10 minutes. I went ahead and did another, 20 minute study as well. And then I did a longer painting of the same subject. The painting at the top is the longer one, and this next one is the 10-minute study.

Click Here to Bid  - 6x8in. - "Fenceline Study"

This next one below is my second-to-last painting from the alpaca farm. I debated whether or not to post this one. I like it, but it seems very simple. I don't know. This is something I struggle with a lot - what to post and what not to post. I've been very surprised in the past at what gets a good reception, so I'm always second guessing my instinct. Often I have a particular goal in mind for a painting, and may not post it just because I didn't feel like I accomplished what I set out to do.

 Click Here to Bid  - 6x12in. - "Mostly Cloudy"

I have quite a hefty stack of paintings I didn't post, (this stack to the right is from the past six months or so) and about three times as many as this get wiped before they dry. I feel good about this stack because it means I'm trying stuff! I'm experimenting, and that means lots of failures along the way. I didn't always feel good about this stack. It took a lot of work to get to this point. (If this is a problem for you, I recommend you read the book, "Big Magic.")

When I get a few minutes, (and some clean space in my studio), I'll take a few of these and prime them. Lately I've been using Gamblin Titanium White FastMatte for this, rather than oil gesso. It dries much faster, and I LOVE the surface for painting on. First I take the panels outside and scrape all the lumpy bits off with a palette knife. Then I simply take the tube of FastMatte, remove the lid, and dab little bits of the paint all over the panel. Then I dip my brush in Gamsol and wipe it all over the panel, smearing out the paint evenly. As soon as it's dry, I'm good to go!

Here are a few other paintings that are still available:

Yours in art,
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My Workshops

June 26-30, '17: Eugene, OR more info  - FULL w/ wait list

August 7-11, '17: Eugene, OR more info  - 
FULL w/ wait list

October 9-13, '17: San Antonio, TX more info  - 
FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day, 1560 Em Ray Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
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