Tuesday 14 April 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Tiny Garage"

 "Tiny Garage" - 6x6in. -  click to bid
This is another scene from around Eugene. I've been really trying, when I paint trees and bushes, to vary the size of the brush strokes. I've mentioned this before, but it really helps to hold my brush at the end when I'm doing foliage, as I just naturally get more random strokes (less control).

I've also been trying to take my failures less personally. My husband always says my mood is as good as my last painting - and it's been true. But since I got back from this last enforced break (aka vacation), I've been trying to focus on the journey rather than the result, and I'm happy to say that so far it's working! Because I've failed quite a bit - stuff I won't show here. And I'm trying to learn from each attempt and just try again, over and over. And just enjoy that process. Because otherwise my expectations are such that when things go poorly, I feel terrible. I mention this because perhaps a few of you can relate? At any rate, things are better for me lately. : )

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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

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