Sunday 27 December 2015

Best watches in the world. Super present. Christmas sale!

 Order watches, bags, jewelry-
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Thursday 24 December 2015

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Tuesday 22 December 2015




Monday 21 December 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Christmas on the Rocks"

 "Christmas on the Rocks" - 10x8in. -   click to bid
I was browsing through my Sierra Nevada photos the other day. When I landed on the reference for this one I thought it would make the perfect end of year/Christmas painting!

From my family to yours,

Quick Links

My Workshops


May 9-13: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
May 23-27: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
October 17-21: San Antonio, TX - register 
- FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Thursday 17 December 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Rock Creek"

 "Rock Creek" - 12x6in. -   click to bid
Little creeks like this make me very happy. I can't really explain why. My favorite thing is to explore them by myself. I found this beauty at a park in California last year, and snapped a few pictures.

I did this painting over an old one that wasn't so great. I don't do this often, but last summer a friend was telling me about Gamblin FastMatte, so I tried the titanium white to paint over the yicky painting. (notes: the old painting was completely dry; I scraped off any thick bits of old paint with my palette knife; the fastmatte didn't go on opaque like I expected!) I was very happy with the process and the result.

I've done another interview, this one about materials, in case you're interested.

Quick Links

My Workshops


May 9-13: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
May 23-27: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
October 17-21: San Antonio, TX - register 
- FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Wednesday 16 December 2015

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Tuesday 15 December 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Salty Stack"

 "Salty Stack" - 6x6in. -   click to bid
I haven't painted a stack of cups from above in a while. It always intrigues me the way the handles point out in different directions, and the subtle things that happen inside the cups. Again, squinting is the key to capturing it. I feel like I haven't said that enough lately. ; )

Quick Links

My Workshops


May 9-13: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
May 23-27: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
October 17-21: San Antonio, TX - register 
- FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405

Monday 14 December 2015

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Picking the Best"

 "Picking the Best" - 6x6in. -   click to bid
I lit this scene with a soft, florescent daylight bulb. I often do that with flowers because my regular, halogen spotlight seems to overwhelm them. When roses are lit like this (and not at all from behind), I find it works best to squint at them and pick an average color. I cover the whole rose area with that color, then add the darks and lights on top of it, squinting the whole time and avoiding too much detail.

Quick Links

My Workshops


May 9-13: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
May 23-27: Springfield Oregon - register - FULL w/ wait list
October 17-21: San Antonio, TX - register 
- FULL w/ wait list
Also check out my ArtBytes (online tutorials), and instructional book,
Daily Painting, available on Amazon:

Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 1560 Em Ray Dr | Eugene | OR | 97405