Saturday 28 June 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Three Trees"

 "Three Trees" - 6x8in - click here to bid

This is another plein air landscape from here in Germany that I'm happy with. I've been working on trees, and the whole tree/sky transition. The thing that is SO different about plein air from still life is - with still life I do all the editing in real life (move the apple here, turn it around, etc. until it looks good) but outside I must make up a better scene out of my head ... but then I have nothing to refer back to. Does that make sense? Ugh.

Tomorrow we head to Stuttgart for a couple of days, and then fly home on Tuesday. I don't know what kind of wifi we'll have for the rest of the trip, so even though I am ahead with my paintings, I may not post again until Wednesday. 


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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659

Friday 27 June 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "The Top Spot"

 "The Top Spot" - 6x6in - click here to bid

I took the photo for this one at the Eugene Saturday Market. The background was super busy so I played around with the photo in Photoshop before I painted it, trying out different colors and values. I'm pretty happy with the result. 


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July 7-11, Springfield, OR - ADVANCED - register here - FULL
August 18-22, Springfield, ORregister here - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659

Thursday 26 June 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Blue Blue"

 "Blue Blue" - 6x6in - click here to bid

I've had the photo for this one for a while. I took it in Eugene, OR, a few blocks down from my son's school. I pass by this house often and (when the sun shines) am always enchanted by the slant of the porch shadow and the shades of blue and more blue. 


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July 7-11, Springfield, OR - ADVANCED - register here - FULL
August 18-22, Springfield, ORregister here - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Horse Path"

 "Horse Path" - 6x6in - click here to bid

I've decided to only post my very favorite landscapes. Even though I've done a bit of plein air work before, it's always been few and far between, so really, in the end, not much. I still consider myself a beginner. And most of the time they don't work out (I've done quite a few bad ones this trip!). And, this is stupid, but if I consider my time "valuable" or whatever (ha!), then I feel really terrible every time I make the effort to go outside and the result is fairly bad or worse. So in order to keep going with this, I have to think of it this way - I must do my 500 bad paintings before I get to the real ones, in this particular subject. I've probably done - what - about 100 so far, in my life? So I've got 400 left to go. Probably there will be some ok ones along the way, and I'll post those. This is one of them. I like it. This is all fyi.

So ok, about this painting. It was the first day we've had here in Germany without any clouds. I zoomed out to the field behind the house right after breakfast. My mother-in-law was nice enough to put the horses in the bottom field so they wouldn't come and bother me. I loved the shadow being cast by the trees behind me, the yellow flower patches on the hill, and the distant hill poking through the trees. 


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July 7-11, Springfield, OR - ADVANCED - register here - FULL
August 18-22, Springfield, ORregister here - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
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Tuesday 24 June 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Billy Goat"

 "Billy Goat" - 6x6in - click here to bid

This is another from one of Bren's photos. Every year she takes a bunch of photos of animals at a place in Maine, and recently she let me "borrow" a few. Someday soon I hope to take some myself in Oregon. Meanwhile, here in Germany, I have taken ... oh ... about 800 photos of cows, and will have a few paintings from them soon.


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July 7-11, Springfield, OR - ADVANCED - register here - FULL
August 18-22, Springfield, ORregister here - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659