Thursday 30 January 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Planning for the Weekend"

 "Planning for the Weekend" - 6x6in - click here to bid
Good news about my husband's ankle - he doesn't need surgery! They were pretty sure he would, so we are incredibly relieved. He'll have a cast on for about a month, so he bought a special thing to help him get around. It looks an awfully lot like a walker to me, but I am way too embarrassed to say my husband has one of those.  

I came across this scene in Eugene and just loved the light. It was reflecting back onto the boat and truck from the side of the house. I actually wandered by it twice and took the same picture both times, without noticing.
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Jan 20-24, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

March 24-28, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

May 5-9, Dickenson, TXemail Sue to register, or call 713.851.5316 or 281.337.4147 - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659

Monday 27 January 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Blue Door" & workshop recap

 "Blue Door" - 6x6in - click here to bid
My workshop last week went really well. But before I tell you about that I have some news that will affect my painting habits for a little while. Over the weekend my husband broke his ankle, and unfortunately it's bad enough that it will probably require a surgery or two. So while he's healing I will be full time nurse and single mom, which means my painting time will be limited. I love my husband, and if he's a good patient, we both might live through this. 

On to my workshop in Springfield last week. The  Emerald Art Center turned out to be an ideal space, with a separate room for my demos, and a camera and  screen to project them on. I'm happy to be doing 3 more there this year (more on that soon)! My kids were pretty typically wonderful, though I did have to yell at them a few times (I tell you - it's like herding cats!). Here are some pictures of them working:


It was nice to be able to recommend the restaurants for once, ones with really fantastic cocktails, which was a great way to relax at the end of each day. My kids and I had tons of fun together and I miss them already! 


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My Workshops



Jan 20-24, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

March 24-28, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

May 5-9, Dickenson, TXemail Sue to register, or call 713.851.5316 or 281.337.4147 - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659

Monday 20 January 2014

Google Top Ranking



I hope you are doing well. Wishing you a blessed happy New Year!!


Are you looking to get SEO done on your website ""?


Researches show over 80% of the searchers only goes through 1st Page of Google while searching on Google. Currently you are not ranking on some very relevant keywords due to which you might be loosing a lot of business.

We work on a unique pay for performance model. You will pay us only for top page rankings on Google.


You don’t have to worry about Google's changing algorithms and rankings going down and you are paying endlessly to your SEO Company to get them back. If rankings go down for any reason…we will not bill you until we bring them back on top.


We can assure you results that will not disappoint you.


Let me know if you are interested, I would happy to send you our company & price details etc…


I look forward to hear back from you soon.


Steve Marketing Manager                                                                                         


With our best Season's Greetings and best wishes For a Happy New Year 2014

Sunday 19 January 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Bug Under a Tree"

 "Bug Under a Tree" - 6x6in - click here to bid
There are a ton of VW's in my town. One only has to drive a block to find another one. Here is one I found downtown, parked under this beautiful tree.

Tomorrow morning I will drive 20 minutes to our sister city of Springfield to begin my next 5-day workshop. I am so incredibly stoked to be able to sleep in my own bed each night, and not to have to fly on an airplane to get there!! After 7 years of travelling almost every month, I can't even begin to tell you how happy that makes me. : )
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My Workshops



Jan 20-24, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

March 24-28, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

May 5-9, Dickenson, TXemail Sue to register, or call 713.851.5316 or 281.337.4147 - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659

Friday 17 January 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Back End, Back Lit"

  "Back End, Back Lit" - 6x6in - click here to bid
I have a last-minute cancellation for my workshop next week in Springfield, Oregon. If anyone is interested, please sign up here.

Meanwhile, this is a scene I found wandering around my hometown of Eugene. 
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My Workshops



Jan 20-24, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

March 24-28, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

May 5-9, Dickenson, TXemail Sue to register, or call 713.851.5316 or 281.337.4147 - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659

Thursday 16 January 2014

Carol Marine's Painting a Day - "Hot For You Rose"

  "Hot For You Rose" - 5x7in - click here to bid

After my last post (where I mentioned HDR) I got a lot of emails, mostly asking what the heck HDR is! Here is a fairly short synopsis , with pictures. The basic idea is that it combines 3 photos, with 3 different exposures, into ONE, so (in theory) you get the best of all 3. Often when I take pictures outside, either the sky is white or the shadows are black, or both! HDR "fixes" the problem (FYI, there is software for this that is FAR better than what you get with the HDR setting on an iphone). But it can also sometimes remove all the contrast. Which is why I was curious whether other people have had luck with it. But it's maybe a little new yet? That's ok. I'll try it out myself soon and let you you guys know what I think. Meanwhile, here's a rose. 
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My Workshops



Jan 20-24, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

March 24-28, Springfield, OR, register here - FULL w/ wait list

May 5-9, Dickenson, TXemail Sue to register, or call 713.851.5316 or 281.337.4147 - FULL w/ wait list
Nov 10-14, San Antonio, TX, register here - FULL w/ wait list
Find Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Facebook! Follow Carol Marine's Painting a Day on Twitter! Connect with Carol Marine's Painting a Day on LinkedIn! Read our Blog!
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Carol Marine's Painting a Day | 141 Comanche Dr | Paige | TX | 78659